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Food Fascists, Meat Me Halfway
by Ian R Thorpe.
The food fascists are on the mrch again, demovising healthy meat eating, promoting a diet high in starches, chemicals and all the foods evolution had not prepared our bodies to deal with. Forget the fake science, if you eat a happy meal it is the bun and fries that will kill you, not the burger ...

Doctors Too Quick To Prescribe Fever Medicines For Children
This story looks at the eagerness of doctors to prescribe temperature lowering drugs for very slight fevers rather that advising parents a raised temperature is one of the body's ways of fighting infection.

Acohol Abuse Will Kill 250,000 A Year Unless Governmnt Acts say Control Freak Doctors
The Health fascists have been out in force this week. With reports on the dangers of alcohol, meat, salt and obesity published our resistance is being tested. The Daily Stirrer is on your side whether you like a drink, a bit of meat, a sprinking of salt on your food or you are a shade overweight. We are always happy to expose the dodgy scence and rigged evidence behind theses control freak fear and panic exercises.

Scientists And Politicians Attack The Food We Love, But Is It Science Or Just Control Freakery
A sustained campaign of misinformation by politicians, scientists, bureaucrats and the media have tried to brand fat and salt as the twin demons of the modern diet. Both however are essential to our wellbeing. So what are the bureaucrats, government and science lobby up to. What is the politics of food fascism. Are they just behaving as control freaks must or are they softening us up for extra taxes and government regulation of our dinner plates and the food we eat.

Face It: Eating Shite Makes You Fat And Ill
Governments are worried that we as a nation are getting too fat. Bigger ambulances and bigger prison cells are needed. They blame the public for lack of self control. But we are being brainwashed by advertisinf and the food industry into eating toxic chemicals that make us gain weight. Hilreious comedy rant.
Wealthy Nation Lifestyle Links To UK's High Cancer Rates Women in Britain are more likely to be be diagnosed with breast cancer than those in most other developed countries because of their unhealthy lifestyles, according to a new study. Analysis of data collected by the respected World Health Organisation shows Britain has higher rates of the potentially fatal disease than the USA, Australia, Germany and Spain. In only 10 of the 50 countries assessed by the researchers do women have a higher chance of ...

Children Are Bring Given Chemical Cosh For Shyness Children are being prescribed mind-altering “chemical cosh” drugs for conditions such as shyness and mild social anxiety, behaviour experts have warned. Young people are routinely being given medication to treat normal childhood conditions, it was claimed, despite fears over their long-term health. The disclosure came as it emerged that the number of eight- to 13-year-olds on drugs such as Ritalin has soared seven-fold since 1997. In many cases, pupils are being put on medication amid fears from parents, teachers and doctors over a serious deterioration in ...

Millions Taking Statins Needlessly
Up to 3 million people are taking statins needlessly, doctors warn today in a comprehensive study that suggests they are ineffective in many cases and could be doing more harm than good.
An authoritative review shows there is little evidence that the cholesterol-lowering drugs ...

Everything They Said Is Bad For You Is Good For You.Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the pleasuredome Nanny State's Politically Correct Thought Police are now using CAll Me Dave's Dave's nudger try to nudge us towards being better citizens, eating more shite and refusing things we like, drinking less booze, smoking less ciggies, avoiding dangerous sports like bowls and tiddleywinks, driving less miles in a less cavalier fashion and being less idle (unless of course being idle is the alternative to driving, boozing, eating or enjoying yourself by doing things the Thought Police do not like.
Retirement At 65 by Default Ends
Fulfilling a pledge in the Coalition agreement, Employment Relations Minister Ed Davey heralded the end of the default retirement age. Age campaigners have long called for it to be scrapped [ ... ] That's going to do wonders for the young jobless. The economic mismanagement of governments over the past thirty years has created a pensions time bomb. Many people who responded to the exhortations to 'save for a comfortable retirement' are now finding that having denied themselves luxuries in order to provide security in retirement for themselves, their pension funds have been eroded by inflation, stock market boom and

Flu Deaths Hit Fifty This Year
More official bullshit from the Ministry of Fear and Panic. Quite what the aim of this is as most of the overbought flu vaccine from the bird flu scare of a few years ago, another pandemic that did not happen, are past their 'use by' date now and clinics are running out of vaccine. People need to be told not to panic, that (as Dr. Hilary Jones assured viewers on breakfast TV this morning, 'flu is a relitavely mild illness and only in a very small number of cases does it pose a serious threat to

Maternity Care On The Verge Of Breakdown

Maternity services are close to breaking point and care for mothers is worsening, the UK's leading midwife warns in a dramatic plea over the declining state of childbirth on the NHS.
Labour wards are struggling to give women the proper quality of care under the "relentless" pressure of a record birth rate, staff shortages and increasingly complex births, says Cathy Warwick, general secretary of the Royal College of Midwives.
Writing in the Observer, Warwick warns that the situation in maternity units is so grave the ...

The Swine Flu Scam Revisited
by Ed Butt
29 December 2010

As the swine flu pandemic that did not happen last year refuses to happen again this year the fear and panic industry has gone into overdrive over a handful of serious cases of flu that might or might not be the notoriously elusive H1N1 variant. Like Ponzi schemes, health scares resurface with amazing regularity. Remember how last year the ...

Selling Swine Flu The Second Time Round

GPs have been reminded to offer all pregnant women flu vaccines this winter, amid growing concern that expectant mothers are being given mixed messages by medical staff.

Government Spending Cuts Hit NHS
Government spending cuts will stretch the NHS and social care services in England to the limit, according to a report by the Commons Health Select Committee. The committe of MPs say the plans assume efficiency savings on a scale never before seen in the NHS, or in other countries. Steven Dorrell, chair of the committee, said the NHS had to save 4% per annum for four years - a "huge target".

Cervical Cancer Jab To Replace Smear Tests
by Ed Butt

Girls who have the cervical cancer jab may only need screening twice in their lifetime, an expert said today.

Cervical cancer should become a "rare disease" thanks to the introduction of the vaccine, said Professor Peter Sasieni, from Queen Mary, University of London.

The Cancer Of Modern Life
Medical research insititutes continue to spend vast amounts of money on cancer research and the less level headed types involved, the boy - scientists twiiter about finding a cure for cancer as if it were one disease with a single identifiable cause. New research however suggests cancer is just one of the hazards of modern life.
We Must Let Darwinism Do Its Work.
Most of us in the UK believe in Darin's evolution principle, survival of the fittest or best adapted. It is a wonderful system that created all the wonders of the animal and plant world. Left to itself evolution will ensure the survival of life long into the future. So why do we keep trying to screw it up by preserving the lives of those who because of stupidity or incompetence do not deserve to live and should be stopped from breeding.

Dementia Time Bomb
Climate Change will not seriously affect us for several decades but has been a great way for governments and their clueless pet scientists to divert attention from much bigger problems that threaten developed nations, over population, food shortages and ageing among them. Read this shocking article on the social and financial burden of dementia.

Recycling Into Danger
Power may well corrupt but it certainly removes those who hold it from reality. So as Gordon Brown squats in Downing Street hoping that a bizarre sequence of events following the indecisive election will lead to him staying on as Prime Minister in a hung parliament one cannot help but think The Gordon Show is turning into a Truman Show type movie fantasy.

Safety First, Second and Third, Fun Last.
The politically correct thought police and their health and safety cohort are tireless in their efforts to ensure you are never ever at risk from anything, especially the risk of having fun.

Uptight - The Blood Donor ExperienceOnce upon a time giving blood was easy, the atmosphere relaxed and people were encouraged to feel as is they were doing something good and worthwhile. Now, acording to fatsally's latest experience, a visit to the blood bank to offer a life saving armful is like The Prisoner meets Orwell's Big Brother. Bureaucracy has taken over and nobody is allowed to feel relaxed. Rules are rules.
by fatsally

Court Victory For Anti - MMR Campaigners.
It is the medical scandal that refuses to go away. Since its introduction controversy has surrounded the MMR vaccine because in a small number - and we must stress, a small number - of cases children develop serious and permanent side effects after reveiving the vaccine. Now at last, after following a tactic used successfully in the USA and keeping the word autism out of their case, lawyers working for the family of Robert Fletcher have won the first award of compensation for 'brain damage' reslting from the MMR vaccine.

Labour's Loony Spending Scheme Cripples NHS
The nation was given a laugh when David Laws, treaury minister for the incoming conservative / lib dem coalition government revealed his Labour predecessor had left a note saying There is no money. it does not seem so funny now as the true extent of Labours financial profligacy is being discovered. The private finance contracts some NHS Health Trusts were tied into are crippling local hospital trusts financially.

Your Shit Is Unique: More Shit Science From The No Shit Sherlock School Of Science Science is always looking for new worlds to explore, final frontiers to cross. We have reported on many branches of sciene, mouse, hockey stick, crocoldile and other but none more unappealing thaty the universe that exists up you arse. Now science has taken a great leap up the arse of humankind to explore the life of the shit uinverse and its many unique and individual life forms...

Alcohol AwareThe government has launched one of those nanny state campaigns to raise public awareness of alcohol. This Boggart Blog in depth report finds the public don't need their awareness raising, they know all they ned to know about every kind of booze on the market and drink what they like best...
Blood Bank Toxic DeptIs the Blood Bank, the National Health Blood Transfusion Service, run by the same bankers whose speculation in toxic debt brought down the financial system. One might be forgiven for thinking so on the evidence of the penny pinching, profit first, service second way the unit is being run
British TeethOur American friends like to make jokes about British teeth. They might be more sympathetic towards our desire to keep our natural teeth if they knew the history of British dentistry since the formation of the National Health Service.
Drugs OnlineOne of the few growth industries is the selling of fake prescription drugs online. So long as the drugs sold as viagra, vallium, ritalin etc are just sugar pills there is no harm done. It's when people buy the real thing the trouble starts...
Five a DayPower may well corrupt but it certainly removes those who hold it from reality. So as Gordon Brown squats in Downing Street hoping that a bizarre sequence of events will lead to him staying on as Prime Minister one cannot help but think The Gordon Show is turning into a Truman Show type movie fantasy
Keep Health Out Of PoliticsHave those government sponsored health scares about fats, alocohol, chocolate and ciggies ever got up your nose? No? They would if you knew the special advisors dreamed them up over brandy and cigars after a jolly good lunch.
Who Wants To Live ForeverNever a week and scarecely a day goes by without the latest shot in the wannabe global government's campaing of fear and panic being fired at us ordinary folk. It will relate to health, drink, drugs, diet or smoking. The lastest on the British front in this war on reality is a warning that air pollution in casusing 55,000 early deaths a year
The Misery PillWe have reported extensively both here and at the original Boggart Blog on the plague of obesity and the scourge of arse dribble that punishes those who seek a quick remedy in fat busting drug. Now the pharmeceutical indusrty has gone one better and created a pill that not only causes arse dribble, it makes people depressed as well.
MMR vaccine scandalIt is the medical scandal that refuses to go away. Since its introduction controversy has surrounded the MMR vaccine because in a small number - and we must stress, a small number - of cases children develop serious and permanent side effects after reveiving the vaccine...
NHS Patient: I Am Not A NumberThe labour government made a huge error in placing targets and statistics ahead of patient care in the NHS. Nurses complained they were spending more times filling in forms and dealing with paperwork than they were on patient care. Now Labour are screaming about the coalition's proposed cuts in NHS budgets. But the cuts will reduce numbers of managers and administrators, not nurses and front line staff.
NHS spening cutsThe labour government made a huge error in placing targets and statistics ahead of patient care in the NHS. Nurses complained they were spending more time bean counting than they were on patient care. Now Labour are screaming about the coalition's proposed cuts in NHS budgets. But the cuts will reduce numbers of managers and administrators, not nurses and front line staff.
Nurses Spend Too Much Time Bean CountingThe labour government made a huge error in placing targets and statistics ahead of patient care in the NHS. Nurses complained they were spending more time bean counting than they were on patient care. Now Labour are screaming about the coalition's proposed cuts in NHS budgets. But the cuts will reduce numbers of managers and administrators, not nurses and front line staff.
Poverty: Labour Succeeds Where Thatcher FailedMrs Thatcher's war on the working class was not half as desructive as New Labour's efforts to help them.
Starve And Live LongerSo we are now being told we can live much longer, be healthier and save the NHGS and the government loads of money if we live on the verge of starvation. And who has this crackpot therory been tested on? You guessed it, mice.
Swine Flu ScamIf you are reading this it is probably a good indication you are alive. Swine Flu did not kill you A year ago the government was warning this virus would kill any of us that did not get the overpriced vaccine big pharma made and us taxpayers so generously forked out for. So what happened? Why are so many of us still alive?
Government To Offer Three Flu Jabs? Well We Did Warn YouA new health scare pops up every week it seems and with each scare comes a public information campaign costing millions and telling us what we have all known for years or do not give a brass fart about anyway.
Every Day In Every Way Tyranny Creeps A Little CloserThe NHS has come up with a scheme to deny care to people whose behaviour has contributed to their ailments. Smokes lung problems will go untreated, alcoholics livers will remain enlarged and fat people's bad backs will get no sympathy or pain killeres. But how far will this health tyranny go. 'No, you can't have a midwife, you got yourself pregnant, deal with it. We've got paperwork to do?


These are smaller items from our blogs

Is It Time To Legalise All Drugs?
The Cancer Of Modern Life
Human Sperm Grown In Mouse Testicles
Who Wants To Live Forever
Millions Taking Statins Needlessly
Dementia Time Bomb
GM Frankenfoods versus Thomas Malthus.
Wealthy Nation Lifestyle Links To UK's High Cancer Rates

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Up Yours Delors redux: Up Yours Delors was a famous tabloid headline on the occasion that then EU President Jaques Delors, an ardent supporter of the single currency, single European superstate and single global government tried to shoehorn the member states of the European Community into a fiscally and politically integrated unit whith hormonisation of laws, financial and taxation policy and a common foreign policy. Fortunately the government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher dug in its heels and refused to ...

Smarphone - The Cyber-crime perpetrator in your pocket.by Ian R Thorpe.
The world is facing a wave of cybercrime and the likely perpetrator is right in your pocket. Think twice before you trust personal stuff to your smartphone, it is no more secure than a house with no doors.

Obama Sends US Troops Into Uganda
The great peacmaker Barack Hussein Obama quietly and unreported in mainstream media yesterday ordered US military intervention against terrorist group the Lord's Resistance Amry in Uganda. The likely result is this purely local problem will escalate to draw in terror groups in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Somalia, none of which are ever far vfrom civil war.

Eugenics Belongs To The Progressive Left Not The Conservative Right
Eugenics is a pseudo - science often (wrongly) dismissed as the brainchild of Adolf Hitler's National Socialist movement and (wrongly again) assigned to right wing extremists. Eugenics is the brainchild of left wing intellectual elitists who despise the masses but don't know the difference between ethnic cleansing by forced sterilization and sensible birth control. Classic liberal Ian Thorpe elaborates.

Slovakia Rebels Against The Euro Juggernaut
The single European superstate Juggernaut rolls on, crushing everything in it's path. Slovakia, in spite of its brave rebellion will be next to sacrifice its future for the sake of saving the Euro as sovereign debt in small nations threatens to swamp the project.

Unemployment Rockets To Highest In 17 Years
Here we look at latest UK employment figures as the number of jobless people continues to rise and the number of available jobs to fall ...

Blackberry Crumble but Offer A RIMjob
If you are a progressive, web enabled, aspirational, upwardly moblile, high-tech, multi-gadget user who has long ago abandoned the idea of thinking for yourself as "so last century" and thus rely on your collection of electronic gizmos for career related activities, socal life and ...

Don't Eat All The Pies - You Could Be Chewing On A Nasty Surprise by Ian Thorpe.
Celebrity Chef Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall says has no objevction to the idea of eating a puppy. You might recoil from the idea but do you know what is in restaurant, take away or prepared food?

Czech Republic's Poet President Denounces Atheist Civilisation
Václav Havel, poet, philosopher and President of the Czech Republic made an extraordinary speech condemning the science obsessed, consumerism addicted culture forstered by the new academic elite. Though not a religious man himself Havel made some very insighful points about our disconnected (broken?) society in the western nations.

Egypt Sectarian Violence
Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed al-Tayyeb, a leading Sunni Muslim, has called for talks with members of the Egyptian Family, an organisation of Muslim and Christian clerics, “in a bid to contain the sectarian crisis that has ...

Climate Geoengineering Scam:
Climate Geoengineering Scam - As Britiush scientists pull back from loonytoons experiments with the ecosystem gung ho Americans prove the whole scam was only ever about money, fame and political power ...

Zombie Currency The Bank Of England announced another round of Quantitative Easing or printing money in plain English this week. But will it work and when it doesn't (when not if) how bad will things get?

Steve Jobs Greatest Innovation For Apple? hyperHype
Apple founder and self anoited messiah Steve Jobs is dead. Now perhaps thevworld can return to sanity and see that all those geeks who bought gadgets thinking they were buying sef esteem need help. Technologist Ian Thorpe looks at Apple's success and finds it was based on hype.

Cambridge Admits Country Bumpkin
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Shrunken Hero
Hubby returns home from work and mentions that he has been listening to an interview with the author Lee Child, creator of the man-mountain, anti-hero vigilante who roams America saving damsels in distress, righting wrongs and kicking ...

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In this section we do not necessarily support the views expressed in linked articles but try to give a coss section of interesting and well written articles that we think are likely to stir things up a bit.

(A random and ecletic mix of what we thought was worth reading recently)

Health Experts Pathetic and Stupid
Actually “pathetic and stupid” is how “health expert” Professor Philip James, from the delightfully named “International Association for the Study of Obesity” described the government’s health strategy, announced yesterday. Prof James went on to say that the junk food industry “manipulated” individuals into consuming their products and that was why legislation was needed.Hmmm would the “International Association for the Study of Obesity” be the same group that has been accused of taking millions of pounds from drug companies who make …..oh….. anti-obesity drugs ... ?

Common Sense not Sociology Will Improve Diets
That’s the idea: the Anderson family with their homegrown vegetables (Photo: Kevin Holt) Who’d be a parent? First one study from the Universities of Pennsylvania and Appalachian States claims to indicate that children who are nagged to eat their vegetables actually eat less of them. Now another piece of research from Babraham Institute in Cambridge…

The Perfect British Loaf
Perfect toast: have a look at this. Below is a Sherston loaf from Hobbs House bakery in the Cotswolds turned into a “toaster”. This the bakery’s most popular loaf. The bread is made using the overnight sponge method, which allows the dough to ferment slowly and develop flavour. This traditional sponge-and-dough, two-stage process is relatively…

Economists Are Such Idealists
It’s not just Labour politicians who have been laying into David Cameron’s conference speech that “the only way out of a debt crisis is to deal with your debts”, or his claim that the Government’s austerity programme has given the country record low interest rates. Labour has got plenty of heavyweight support from the economics…

Labour's Voodoo Economics
Ever since losing the election, Labour has been running the argument that deficit reduction is counter-productive, since raising taxes and cutting spending crimps growth and therefore actually increases the size of the deficit rather than reducing it. In the wake of this week’s alarming unemployment figures, both Ed Milliband and Ed Balls have been turning…

Australia Commits Suicide
One of the worst aspects of living in these apocalyptic times is that whenever you look around the world, wondering where you might escape to, you begin to realise that everywhere else is just as bad if not worse. Take Australia, an island built on fossil fuel with an economy dependent on fossil fuel. What ...

Is The Internet Sexist?
Will Hutton woke me up with a bang this morning. Or rather, the vice-chairman of the Work Foundation made me sit up in bed when he shared his startling insight on women’s unemployment with listeners of the Today programme. As David Cameron’s feminist critics have been pointing out for months now, the Coalition cuts have…

Why The Slump In Living Standards Could Be A Good Thing - Jeremy Warner, Daily Telegraph
OK, so the headline was written to provoke, but from a macro-economic point of view, there is a sense in which the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ finding of the longest slump in household finances on record is actually a quite positive development. How come? It can surely never be a good thing for living standards to…

How Can We Stop Another Great Depression
When a man like Steve Keen says the trillions spent on refinancing the banks has truly stuffed us, we really should listen. I cannot claim to have understood everything in the lecture: Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu theory and the 41-line differential equation were approximately 15.8 metres over my head. But the points I grasped were clear enough. We're stuffed: stuffed to a degree that scarcely anyone yet appreciates ...

Taxman Ignores The Mega Rich To Go After Miss Whiplash - Ian Cowie
Private tutors, lifestyle coaches and even providers of ‘personal services’ are, accountants claim, among the latest groups to be targeted by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for non-payment of tax. Following similar ‘pay up or else’ ultimatums issued to plumbers, dentists and other occupations where tax evasion is suspected, HMRC is setting a new deadline…

United Nations Accused Of Suppressing Religious Freedom In Poor Countries
The UN believes in freedom of religion; at least, it passed the “Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief” in 1981. The UN also promotes women’s rights – as can be seen in Article 1 of its Charter. What happens though when the two “rights” clash? Simple.…
See also: [liberal dilemma] ... [ Dont call me a conspiracy theorist ]

Why tuition fees are terrible news for the humanities - India Knight
This afternoon I paid my tuition fees for the fourth and final time. A few minutes later, I received the lecture lists for the new term, and I've undertaken some mercenary calculations. Oxford, along with all other government-subsidised ... (Exellent comment threart on this article)
See also: [ More graduates, less jobs] ... [ Higher Education Disaster ] ... [ Education Menu ]
Can A Biomass Boiler Keep Your Home Warm
Julian Morrison is a developer with a powerful interest in energy conservation. His restored and extended house, the Ginny Ring, on the Llangollen Canal at St Martin’s Moor near Oswestry in Shropshire, is a kind of love affair with wood. “It is made largely of oak, and the extension is timber frame made of oak,” he says. Windows, doors, curtain poles and stairs were all handmade by a local craftsman. But the pièce de résistance is the biomass gasification boiler, kept like a hungry beast in an ...

Who Is More Obsessed With Satanic Sex, The Church Or The Politically Correct Left?
A subtle rewriting of history is taking place on the back of the Amanda Knox acquittal. Reading feminist commentary on the case, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Catholic Church and its weird obsession with Satanic cults are ultimately to blame for Knox’s sorrows. Apparently, the Church, being stuck in the fifteenth century,…

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