News that ratings asgency Standard and Poors had downgraded America's credit rating because of presistent budget and sovereign debt promlems came as a shock to finance markets but not to the wise old heads of The Daily Stirrer.
Atomic Girl and an adventure in particle physics
The quest for the meaning of life has always been futile but science and scientists are familiar with futile and pointless. Now that quest has trnsferred from the realm of metaphysics to sub atomic physics however it is even more futile. What is the point spending 'shiploads' of money trying to find something when you don't know what that thing is or even if it exists, how would anyone ever know they had found it if they had?
Ever Changing Ocean
The scientists warn us climate change will cause massive extinctions, species will be destroyed, nations will die, the oceans will swamp huge areas of land as sea levels rise and lots of scaremongering stuff like that. But life in the seas has survived much worse catastrophes, much more violent changes than anything we puny humand can conjure up. It is a measure of the arrogance of humans in general and scientists in particular to imagine we puny humans could destroy the planet.also availabe HERE
The Two Minutes Hate
The debating style of the 'progressive left' or 'progressive liberals' as they style themselves inthe United States increasingly reminds me of an Orwellian Two Minutes Hate session ...
The Transparency Of British Gas
After many complaints the utilities regulators have told energy companies they must be more transparent about how their prices are formulated. If this criticism includes my gas supplier I think it is totally unfair. Those theiving scumbags extremely nice people at British Gas wrote me a very polite letter explaining that they must put up my gas prices by ...
American Debt Talks Collapse
The Daily Stirrer is not a racist website but neither do we practice reverse racism, trying to show we are not racist by elevating other races above our own. Therefore we can be objective. We have always said Barack Obama was an idiot, and economic illiterate and a ...
The Eurozone Financial Crisis Made Simple
Completely predictably the leaders of Eurozone's solvent nations have cobbled together a deal to save the beleaguered Greek economy from defaulting on its debts. Predicable because firstly if Greece had been allowed to default and quietly leave the single currency scheme as it should have been, then Ireland, Portugal and probably Italy, Spain and Belgium would have followed in
Creating Wealth
Politicians talk about encouraging entrepreneurs to create wealth,provide jobs and revitalise zombie economies. But entrepreneurs do not create wealh, they move money and goods around. Only the banks and the finance industry can create the wealth that drives the economy. Bankers do this by using asset values as collaterlal for loans. Learn how the system works and how it failed ....
What''s All The Fuss About
Heavy day's telly watching Mr. Murdoch trying out his Uriah Heap impersonation and also being attacked by an interloper armed with a custard pie! Well done that man! The saner, or perhaps more cynical, amongst us do wonder what all the fuss is about. If anybody thinks private detectives, journalists and police officers, to name ...
Kissing The Blarney Stone Goodbye
I watched the final of The Apprentice last night. So glad Tom won, he seemed like the only one who didn't have their head so far up their own arse they were actually licking their tonsils. Helen was just too intense, I liked little Susie, but she was so naive, yet still full of herself and as for ...
Monty Python Joins Government's Lifestyle Police
For people expecting a little sanity in government, the coalition have been a great disappointment. For those of us who appreciate the absurdity of the human condition the ConDemnation government go from strength to strength ... read all
At Last! A Politician Gets It. Well Done Nick Clegg
The Liberal Democrats leader and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has said he is concerned the crisis in the eurozone could spread to Britain and have a “direct impact” on jobs. It is so good to see that at least one politician is not obsessing about read full post Nick Clegg Fears Economic Crisis
Gary Trotter and the Portal Of Pleasure
A bit more whimsical weekend fun. To celebrate the opening of the final Harry Potter film Greenteeth Multi Media invites you to enjoy our alternative boy wizard's adventures. Seven bit sized chapters
Chapter 1 - Gary Trotter and his Magic Wand ... Chapter 2 - Gary Trotter and the Chamber of Privacy ... Chapter 3 - Gary Trotter and The Forest of Secrets ... Chapter 4 - Gary Trotter and the Delta of Venus ... Chapter 5 - Gary Trotter and the Spirit of the Shower ...
Chaper 6 - Gary Trotter and the Portal of Pleasure ... Chapter 7 - Gary Trotter - The Phoenix Rises, Again and Again
As we wait with stifled yawn the finale of this year's The Apprentice series, for a different perspective on the contestants cheack out this comic verse by In Thorpe.
News International Phone Hacking Scandal Spreads To USA
With the irresistible energy of a Tsunami, the phone hacking scandal which has already swamped News International's best selling British tabloid, derailed plans to gram a bigger stake in television broadcasting and internet service provision and is now threatening ...
No Drama Obama blows a fuse
"I'se de President an' dem whitey all goan do what I say." Barack Hussein Obama stormed before walking out of a meeting with Republican congressional leaders on deficit reduction, telling them "enough was enough". (Well he didn't actually say those words, but close)
I has to be said the Obama's ghetto black act is still in need of a lot of work, being more Stepin Fechit than Richard Pryor but as an example of politics by throwing toys out of the pram it was ...more in Politics
Boggart Blog - July 2011
Boggart Blog Central has moved to our UK site, check out all July posts in the UK's top humour and satire blog here.
Stock Markets Panic As Italy Debt Problems Mount
Stock markets experienced a second day of massive falls on Tuesday as Italy, the biggest economy yet to be dragged into the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis struggled to avoid being forced to default on its debts. Elsewhere, the first nation to see its economy collapse, Greece, moved closer to default. It give us no pleasure to reminnd you The Daily Stirrer has for two years predicted ...
The Roots Of The American Economic Crisis
John de Roe analyses the American economic crisis, the credit crunch and the collapse of the sub prime mortgage markey and looks at how the American government's efforts to solve the crisis and avoid a recession may affect the global economy ...
Climate Change and the Population Explosion
In all the debates about climate change and the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment there is one issue that has a huge bearing on humanity's relationship with our planet that neither politicians nor scientists will discuss. Population growth. So a philosopher has to step up to the mark and ask why people are encouraged to have children when we face so many population related problems?
The Truth About Conspiracy TheoriesClimate change, the World Trade centre, Obama's elegibility saga, GM crops, Enron, The News of the World hacking affair, Toxic debt andthe financial meltdown of 2008, The death of Princess Diana; conspiracy theories are everywhere. Many people claiming to be rationalists rubbish them but are there really no grounds at all for suispicion.
Theosophy For Beginners
With orthodox science and mainstream religion having failed to provide the answers to the great questions of life promised by both, people are looking elsewhere. No surprise then the nineteenth century belief Theosophy is attracting renewed interest from those seeking insigh into divine wisdom, the nature of god, moral philosophy and an understanding of our universe
String Theory Unravelled
We have seen ample evidence of science being turned into a religion in the climate change / global warming debate. There are other areas of scientific study in the academic world where the same religiosity is holding back progress, theoretical physics, nuclear physics and string theory are prominent among them.